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Motercycle Helmets Choosing the Right One

Having the proper safety equipment is very important when you are operating or riding on a motorcycle. Even though I have blogged about motorcycling safety in the past, it does not hurt to repeat it from time to time because the topic is of utmost importance in a biker’s lifestyle. In this article I have given the tips to help you choose the right Helmet which suits you.

While a helmet is the most important piece of safety equipment, it will only protect you if it the right type of helmet and it fits properly. Have you ever seen a young child riding on a motorcycle wearing an adult size helmet? In the event of an accident, the helmet would offer no protection to the child’s skull at all.

It is very important that you try on any motorcycle helmet to ensure a proper fit. If you decide to make a purchase over the internet or from a catalog, make sure you are able to return it for a refund if it doesn’t fit well. Keep in mind that each manufacturer sizes their helmets differently. Just because you currently own a size large doesn’t mean that is what you will wear in a different brand. For best results through the mail or internet, measure the circumference of your head and ask them to give you the helmet dimensions. Never purchase a used motorcycle helmet because it may have been involved in an accident and it won’t protect you as it was designed to.

For the best results, try on motorcycle helmets with any accessories you will generally have while riding. For example, many women like to have their hair in a ponytail but may have it straight while trying on a helmet. If you wear prescription glasses while operating your motorcycle, then make sure you take them with you when you are trying on helmets.

A motorcycle helmet needs to fit very securely. Make sure it surrounds your entire head. The chin straps are adjustable but put them in place to ensure you can get them tight enough to fit your face shape. You should also try on the same brand of helmet in one size larger and one size smaller just to make sure you do in fact have the best fitting helmet for your head. For added comfort, consider getting a motorcycle helmet that offers air vents. You can easily slide them opened or closed to allow more air to circulate while wearing it.

You will find motorcycle helmets made from a variety of materials. For the best in safety and quality, choose one that is made from organic fiberglass and layers of carbon fibers. This combination creates a very powerful shock absorbent shell. You also want to make sure the liner features a three layer system. This will offer you additional shock absorption.

If you plan to ride your motorcycle a great deal, consider getting a motorcycle helmet that allows you to easily change the visor. This is a great option for riding during the day and the night. Make sure the visors are fog resistant and offer impact resistance.

Investing in a quality helmet that offers the protection you need while riding a motorcycle isn’t going to be cheap, but it may well be one of the most important investments you make in your life. Statistics show that motorcycle riders who wear a helmet have a 35% less chance of suffering from a head injury. You can fit a helmet that fits well and even have it custom painted to match your motorcycle.


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