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Ford To Launch New Models Priced Between Rs. 3.69 to Rs 5.57 lakh by 2015

Ford has enticed the Indian auto market with its super performer Ford Figo. The auto major now plans to launch new hatchbacks by 2015. The hatchback is much popular than sedans as Indian roads and the ever growing traffic makes hatchbacks more maneuverable. Therefore when it comes to automobiles, brands like Maruti and Hyundai have had huge success. In keeping with the competition, premium brands like Mercedes, General Motors and Toyota are now into hatchback manufacturing. Ford India has gone one step ahead and aims to enter tier II and Tier III cities to improve sales. Besides, Ford India has reiterated that the eight new model launches in pipeline right now are likely to fall in the range of the Ford Figo price of Rs 3.69 –Rs 5.57 lakhs.

The news was confirmed by Joseph R Hinrichs, President of Ford Motors of Asia Pacific and Africa. He said that the eight models due by this mid-decade are hatchbacks, and 70% of the revenue is generated from the hatchback segment in India. Ford has apparently increased their share price from 1% to 3% currently. Ford India, which sold 83,887 cars in 2010, is almost three times it car sales in 2009. Ford India’s Ford Figo alone has been responsible for car sales of more than 60,000 units. Mr. Hinrichs expressed his hope saying that, Ford Motors expects one third of its sales to come from Asia Pacific and Africa regions by 2020. As of now, Asia Pacific and Africa regions, together, account for one-sixth of the total annual sales. Seemingly, Ford India mulls to introduce over 50 vehicles launch in Asia Pacific and African region by 2015.

Ford India has also announced its decision to set up its second plant in Gujarat with its intention to change its headquarters to New Delhi from Chennai. Mr. Hinrichs had commented that the new plant is the key to realize their growth strategy in India as it happens to be the most happening auto market in the world.


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