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Force India Ford India as we know has embarked on their journey to launch 8 vehicles 2015.

Force India Ford India as we know has embarked on their journey to launch 8 vehicles 2015. Having begun their journey with a winning model, the Ford Fiesta for India was launched in mid July in a price range of Rs. 823,500 upto 1,042,200 (ex Delhi showroom price). The impending product portfolio would see more hatchbacks. There is now some clarity on Ford's plan for the Indian car market and the aim would be to use hatchbacks to penetrate markets in tier II and III cities.
Ford India has said that a majority of their new launches would fit in the Figo price range, which points to a Rs 3.69 lakh and Rs 5.57 lakh (ex-showroom, New Delhi) price bracket. President (Asia Pacific and Africa), Ford Motor, Joseph R Hinrichs had this to say. "Most of our eight products planned for launch by mid-decade would be in the Figo's range as seventy per cent of car sales in India come from the small car segment.”
Ford has increased their Indian car market share from a mere 1% in 2008 to 3% at present. Sales volumes saw 83,887 cars sold in 2010, almost triple from the previous year. Having just one hatchback to fall back upon, the Ford didn't disappoint and accounts for sales upward of 60,000 units. The company is looking at car markets in Asia Pacific and Africa to contribute towards 1/6th of Ford's annual global sales. Ford India will also be shifting their India corporate headquarters to New Delhi from Chennai.
Ford is setting up their second Indian factory in Sanand, Gujarat with an investment of Rs 4,000 crore. The new plant will have an annual production capacity of 2.5 lakh units and will boost activity for Ford India on due time as the company is at present bracing a supply crunch in regards to meeting diesel car market demand. Joseph R Hinrichs went on to say, "The new plant will be important in realizing our growth strategy here - in one of the most dynamic regions in the world.”


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